Curcumin has an absolute ton of benefits that are ascribed to the miracle compound. Almost too many to count when you look at the research and observe all of the different categories and areas of the body that it produces changes in. Because there’s so many, we figured it’d be great to compile a small list of the top 3 benefits we feel are great for everyday troubles.
What is Curcumin?
It’s probably best to start here, in case you haven’t heard, curcumin is a bright yellow chemical that is extracted from turmeric. It has been found that many of the purported health benefits ascribed to turmeric are actually due to curcumin. That’s not to say that turmeric itself doesn’t possess its own health benefits as well as taste benefits, but curcumin as an extract is superior to turmeric. Only a small percentage of a serving of turmeric contains curcumin, but through extracts you can get a dose not possible through the root.
Benefit 1: Curcumin Aids With Joint Problems
If you’ve read our article about arthritis, you’d know curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory that can aid in the treatment of joint-related issues. I wanted this to benefit number 1 because almost everyone deals with issues related to inflammation whether they realize it or not. The western diet has been linked to increased inflammatory markers due to the overconsumption of fast foods and sugary drinks, and lack of sleep. While that is an entirely different topic, needless to say, it’s hard to completely avoid some of the pitfalls of our fast-paced culture of convenience. Due to this, many people do not get adequate rest or nutrition and find themselves on the end of mysterious joint pains and aches that can’t be traced back to specific injuries. You can take curcumin to alleviate some of these issues in a holistic way.
Benefit 2: Curcumin Improves Mood

There is a difficult to quantify connection between general inflammation in the body and sense of wellbeing, so to begin with curcumin’s anti-inflammatory properties are going to help you feel better in subtle ways. Beyond the scope of that is the fact that curcumin has been shown to improve memory and mood. The cognitive benefits of curcumin are something that has interested scientists for quite some time in relation to alzheimers research. However, for your daily purposes, getting a little bit of a brain boost is always a good thing!
Benefit 3: Turmeric Aids Cardiovascular Health
Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world. Curcumin has been studied for its ability to seemingly improve the endothelium—which is the lining of your blood vessels. The endothelium is responsible for the regulation of blood pressure and clotting efficiency. The best cure is prevention, heart disease is not an condition that appears overnight, it’s slowly built upon day after day for many years. Every little bit helps, curcumin as a cardiovascular aid is another tool you can add to your repertoire along with proper diet and exercise.
Best Curcumin Supplement Online
We strongly believe Volt 03 is the best curcumin supplement on the market. It’s a pharmaceutical-grade curcumin supplement. The most important aspect of Volt 03, when compared to similar products, is that our product has been specially formulated to increase bio-availability and delivery of each dosing through our proprietary formula. With Volt 03, you need only take one dose PER DAY! It’s less hassle and saves money in the long term.
Click here to visit our shop and feel free to contact us here if you have any questions or concerns.