turmeric for joint pain Archives - Nutent Therapeutics


About 350 million people in the world have arthritis with nearly 40 million of those people residing in the United States. Arthritis can be a slow and painful descent into loss of mobility and daily pain. Curcumin for arthritis can help and supplements have been shown to help with joint pain and inflammation-related issues.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is when there is a growing amount of inflammation in your joints. It has been observed to affect single or multiple joints at a time. Despite the umbrella term being arthritis, there are more than 100 different types of arthritis. For many people, arthritis is either a case of osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.

As you may have gathered from the statistics, arthritis is fairly common to experience in particular joints as we age. It is not so much a disease as it is a condition that can affect people of all ages, sex, ethnicity, etc. Though, it is more common in the post 65 group.

Common symptoms of arthritis are:

  • Joint pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of mobility due to stiffness and pain

Osteoarthritis is also known as degenerative arthritis. It refers to when the cartilage, which is what cushions your joints to prevent bones from grinding together. Symptoms can stay static for many years before getting worse. If you have mild OA, you can manage it through careful exercise and rest, and most importantly maintaining a healthy weight. The biggest issues arise when you use excessive repetitive motions that can contribute to an RSI (repetitive strain injury).

Rheumatoid Arthritis is a product of chronic inflammatory conditions present in the body. It affects more than just the joints since it is an auto-immune disorder—which means that your immune system is mistakenly attacking your own bodies’ cells.

Symptoms of RA are:

  • Swollen joints that are tender to touch
  • Stiffness that is noticeably worse in the morning
  • Chronic fatigue

Symptoms and severity and vary to huge degrees. Symptoms may also come and go, which tends to classify the condition as having episodes or “flare-ups” where symptoms are noticeably worse.

Curcumin For Arthritis

Arthritis is most commonly treated through medications both over the counter and prescription. Painkillers are the most commonly prescribed medications for arthritis. Acetaminophen is the most widely available painkiller, it is taken for mild or moderate arthritis.

The issue with painkillers is that they address the pain element of arthritis but they cannot effectively deal with the inflammation response the body is triggering. NSAIDs are used for this purpose, they can reduce pain and inflammation. Over-the-counter NSAIDs are medicines such as Advil/Ibuprofen.

However, it’s not a good idea to be taking painkillers and NSAID’s every day. You need something that can help deal with inflammation every day, all day. Curcumin for arthritis has been shown to be a potent anti-inflammatory that can help deal with joint pain

Volt 03: Highest Bioavailability Curcumin Supplement

Volt 03 is pharmaceutical-grade complex curcumin. It was made with the help of a doctor and a pharmacist to create a product that would truly be absorbed by your body for the maximum ascribed benefits. Unlike many other curcumin supplements, you only need to take Volt 03 once a day.

Purchase Volt 03 in our shop today!


The myriad of benefits that are associated with curcumin is becoming increasingly well known as well as studied. The past decade has seen a major increase in the interest in curcumin’s various medicinal properties. Much has been done to study spices such as turmeric and ginger and the various positive effects they have on the human body. Part of the reason why they are so alluring and compelling as medicinal aids are because they have long since been heralded throughout ancient history as potent cures to many ailments. While our predecessors were not right about much when it came to medicine, sometimes old wisdom is true—and that makes for a great story because it always inspires us to wonder: what else were they right about?

What is Turmeric?

turmeric root
Turmeric is used as a versatile spice in Indian cuisine.

Turmeric is a flowering plant whose roots are used in cooking. When you hear about turmeric, you’re almost always hearing about the root form of the plant which is the part that is consumed. It is a crucial ingredient in Asian cuisine and is what is responsible for that orange color you see often see in curry. It is associated with a great degree of health benefits ranging from aiding with gastrointestinal issues to downright reducing inflammation in the body. Headaches, bronchitis, fever, cancers, you name it. Turmeric has made the rounds in studies for the seemingly endless biological shifts it can cause in analysis.

What is Curcumin?

Curcumin is a compound that is found in turmeric. Ordinarily, curcumin is only present in turmeric by about 2-5%. Curcumin is thought to be behind many of the health benefits of turmeric. Much like Turmeric, curcumin signals many interesting medicinal uses on a cellular level that can be analyzed over the coming years. One of the most potent effects it is thought to have is reducing inflammation in the body.

For those who don’t know, inflammation is widely considered to be a root cause and major contributor to an exceedingly large amount of illnesses and diseases. Acute inflammation occurs if you injure yourself and the body needs to heal up a specific injury. Chronic inflammation is a low-grade inflammation that is pervasive throughout the entire body. It does not have any particular symptoms but it shows up in blood through particular markers. This low level of inflammation is thought to trigger a threat response by the immune system, but when the white blood cells circulate to find it, they don’t. And so eventually they can potentially start attacking your own body. This is seen and proven to be possible in auto-immune disorders.

The Benefits of Curcumin

  1. Curcumin Has Potent Anti-Bacterial Properties. Curcumin has been shown to have promising and powerful antibacterial effects that deliver a natural way to support the healing of wounds and injuries.
  2. Type 2 Diabetes Reduction. Curcumin has been studied in regards to type 2 diabetes and has been found to reduce the levels of blood sugars in the body. Turmeric has this benefit as well, but curcumin is noticeably better at blood sugar reduction.
  3. Curcumin May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk. A study was done where rats were supplemented with curcumin and it was found that the supplemented rats had retained more bone mass whereas those who received lower amounts of curcuminoids did not preserve nearly as much if any at all bone mass.

Volt:03 The Best Curcumin Supplement on the Market

Our mission at Nutent Therapeutics was to set out to make the best curcumin supplement on the market. Many curcumin and turmeric extract supplements miss the mark by having low bioavailability. Volt:03 was engineered by a doctor and a pharmacist. We specially formulated our product to contain different ingredients such as cyclodextrin—a compound that allows for much better absorption of the curcumin in your body. If you’d like to start receiving the widely touted benefits of this powerful anti-inflammatory compound, you can visit our shop here. If you have any questions about curcumin, give us a call at (561)-570-1843!


What Benefits Can Pharmaceutical Grade Curcumin Provide?

Turmeric is a well-known culinary spice, but it also has profound medicinal properties that are just now being realized and utilized in the Western world. In contrast, people in India have been using turmeric for centuries to help treat laryngitis, bronchitis and diabetes. Turmeric, which is derived from the plant Curcuma Longa, includes the active ingredient, curcumin. Curcumin accounts for approximately two to six percent of the spice and has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin (Derived from Turmeric) as an Anti-Inflammatory

curcumin pain relief
Curcumin provides strong natural pain relief.

Anti-inflammatory products and medications are important in the Western world because chronic inflammation plays a role in almost every major Western disease, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Muscle Wasting

Acute inflammation can be a normal physiological process (especially if you exercise) and can be a natural part of living a healthy life and repairing the bodily damage. However, inflammation can become a major problem if it becomes chronic and untreated.

Curcumin fights this problem by targeting multiple areas of the inflammation process. Curcumin blocks NF-kB, a molecule that is responsible for the inflammation of many cells and subsequently, plays a role in many chronic diseases.


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