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Curcumin has been shown to have a wide variety of benefits to human health in a large array of different areas of the body. Unsurprisingly, curcumin has potent effects on lowering your risk of heart disease.

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is not a specific illness, but rather a whole host of conditions that affect the function of the heart. Think of heart disease as an umbrella term that describes many different co-occurring conditions. Some of the most common diseases of the heart are as follows:

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease. CAD is the result of when LDL—“the bad cholesterol”, builds up excessive plaque in the arteries of the heart. The beginnings of CAD do not give off any symptoms such as chest pain or fatigue/shortness of breath. It is commonly held that men experience chest pain as a symptom more than women. When the plaque ruptures, a blood clot is created which blocks an artery to your heart. Since the artery is blocked, oxygen is not making its way to your heart and so the heart slowly takes on damage until a myocardial infarction—a heart attack occurs.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is when the heart stops functioning as efficiently as it should. In the simplest terms, the heart is a pump which pumps blood to oxygenate your body. This is why the heart is the most vital organ in terms of keeping someone alive, without it, the cells are not able to be nourished and the body either functions suboptimally or not at all. When the heart is weak, it cannot supply the cells with enough oxygen or nutrients to keep the body strong. This causes weakness or shortness of breath and day to day chores become difficult as any physical exertion becomes too demanding. According to the American Heart Association, there is no cure thus far for heart failure. However, with medication and altering lifestyle habits to be positive, many people are able to lead full, capable lives.

Curcumin for Heart Disease

Studies have shown that it’s possible for curcumin for heart disease to help reduce or reverse the onset of cardiovascular disease. As we’ve briefly touched on, heart disease can have a multitude of factors that are contributing to the illness. Curcumin is known to improve the function of the endothelium—which is the lining of your blood vessels. The endothelium sustains the flexibility of the blood vessels so that they can properly dilate or constrict.

Besides that, curcumin notably reduces inflammation and the effects of oxidation which are contributors to heart disease. Inflammation is thought to be a major contributor to many diseases that plague modern society. It is essentially the bodies response to injury and the inflammation is a byproduct of trying to contain or heal the damage, much like how a fever is a response to your body trying to rid itself of infection. This study states that the group that was supplemented with curcumin had a 65% less chance of having a heart attack while in the hospital.

Volt 03: Highly Bioavailable Curcumin

Nutent Therapeutics is a nutraceutical company that is backed by science. Volt 03 is a pharmaceutical strength curcumin supplement that has been engineered by a doctor and a pharmacist to be most easily absorbed and utilized by the body, unlike traditional curcumin supplements which tend to have low absorption rates. Our formula contains a compound called cyclodextrin which greatly improves the rate of absorption in the body. If you would like to begin reaping the huge benefits that curcumin has on the body, you can visit our shop here. If you have any questions about Volt:03 feel free to give us a call at (561)-570-1843 or visit our contact page and drop us a line!

Curcumin Is Highly Beneficial To Your Health

heart balloons

Curcumin is a chemical which is the active component of turmeric and is also the primary curcuminoid of turmeric. it provides compounds that are pivotal to a myriad of functions in the body including but not limited to a whole host of brain functions, your nervous system, aiding with the supplemental treatment of specific cancer malignancies, gastrointestinal disorders, depression and the list goes on.

Neurotrophic Factors and Your Brain

Neurotrophic factors are an assortment of biomolecules that almost all small proteins or peptides. These proteins and peptides support the growth of neurons in the brain. Tyrosine kinase is the enzyme by which the NTF’s can confer their growth factors onto neurons.

There are a couple of different neurotrophic factors but the one that is relevant to curcumin is a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is a protein that is part of the neurotrophin family of growth factors. Its principal function is to act on particular neurons in your CNS and PNS (central nervous system, peripheral nervous system). BDNF encourages the growth of neurons that are developed or in development; they also help existing neurons survive and contribute directly to the differentiation of new neurons. Differentiation is the process by which neurons are converted from one type to another.

BDNF is incredibly vital towards the maintenance and improvement of long-term memory. Advancements in our understanding of how the brain works have led to the increased emphasis and dissemination of information regarding neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity—simply put, is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself and/or create new neural connections in response to circumstances in life.

This is incredibly important towards the understanding of BDNF because it “stands out for its high level of expression in the brain and its potent effects on synapses”. The study goes on to explain that the pronounced positive effects on synaptic plasticity are crucial for hippocampal long-term potentiation—which is just a fancy way to say BDNF is an important factor in facilitating long-term memory. Ultimately, the most promising of leads that studying BDNF provides scientists is that the deficiency of BDNF potentially contributes to a whole host of brain-related illnesses.

Curcumin and BDNF

curcumin powder

Guess what greatly stimulates and promotes the activity of BDNF? You guessed it, curcumin. It’s been established that BDNF has a tremendous impact on brain function and by extension of that, the quantity of BDNF impacting the development of brain-related illnesses and ailments. This published study details how rats were put on a CUS protocol (chronic unpredictable stress) to induce depression in the rats. It was then demonstrated that the effects of curcumin had impacted the CUS induced behaviors and markers in a positive way. CUS had caused a reduction in BDNF levels in the hippocampus. The supplementation of curcumin in the rats had effectively reversed much of these negative markers such as impaired learning and memory function as well as depression.

Volt 03: Highest Bioavailable Curcumin

Whether you’re looking seeking to heal inflammation, improve brain function, or get arthritis relief. Volt 03 can aid you in all of those things and more. Unlike other curcumin supplements, you need only take Volt 03 once a day. Developed by a medical doctor and pharmacist, our high-quality curcumin is made with only the purest pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. Visit our contact page here or give us a call at 561-570-1843 and we can answer any questions you may have about this potent product.


Turmeric has made waves in the supplement industry for the past few years; many studies show that curcumin, and the health benefits of turmeric has a number of beneficial effects on the body. Curcumin has been touted as a number of things: it can aid in the treatment of cancer, lower the risk of heart disease, boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor, provide relief for patients with arthritis, and may help in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Curcuminoids – The Benefits Of

Turmeric contains curcuminoids, the most heavily researched curcuminoid being curcumin. Curcumin can act as a strong antioxidant and possesses significant anti-inflammatory effects. Used as a staple in Indian cuisine for thousands of years, this spice has been used as a medicinal herb to combat many different types of ailments. However, it is often difficult to reach high levels of curcumin in the body with turmeric alone; this is why we developed a highly bio-available extract of curcumin to reap the health benefits of turmeric while not eating it for every meal.

If you decide to cook with turmeric, try cooking it with a fatty meal! Curcumin is fat soluble, so it may pay to leave the skin on the chicken.

turmeric root
Turmeric is used as a versatile spice in Indian cuisine.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Curcumin

Not all inflammation is bad for the body. Without inflammation, your body wouldn’t be able to fight bacteria and repair muscles after a workout. Acute inflammation is necessary for the growth and maintenance of the human body; however, long-term inflammation caused by environmental stressors and an unhealthy lifestyle can result in chronic disease and a lowered quality of life.

Curcumin helps fight chronic inflammation, inflammation that can cause metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease. It is so powerful that it often matches the strength of prescription anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Curcumin Can Help Fight Depression

Another health benefit of turmeric has been widely studied. According to a small study, patients that took curcumin for depression had comparable results when compared to the group that took Prozac. The most favorable results occurred in patients who took the curcumin and Prozac, and not just the Prozac alone. If you are suffering from severe depression, always consult a doctor before you begin a new treatment. When used with prescription drugs and proper therapy, Curcumin can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic depression.

Curcumin can also help boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). If a brain lacks BDNF, it can result in a shrinkage of the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. There is also some proof that this supplement can boost serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

Volt 03: A Pharmaceutical-Strength Curcumin Supplement

Curcumin supplement
Our Curcumin is the most bio-available supplement on the market.

At Nutent Therapeutics, we offer the strongest and most bio-available Curcumin on the market. Traditional curcumin supplements are often lacking in bio-availability; our formula contains a compound called cyclodextrin, which substantially improves the absorption rate in the body.

In a clinical trial, we compared our formula with standardized unformulated curcumin: our formula showed a statistically significant increase in total levels of curcumin in the body. If you want to feel the difference of health benefits from turmeric, visit our Volt 03 shop page. If you’d like any additional information on our company or the health benefits of Volt 03, give us a call at (561)-570-1764.


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