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The myriad of benefits that are associated with curcumin is becoming increasingly well known as well as studied. The past decade has seen a major increase in the interest in curcumin’s various medicinal properties. Much has been done to study spices such as turmeric and ginger and the various positive effects they have on the human body. Part of the reason why they are so alluring and compelling as medicinal aids are because they have long since been heralded throughout ancient history as potent cures to many ailments. While our predecessors were not right about much when it came to medicine, sometimes old wisdom is true—and that makes for a great story because it always inspires us to wonder: what else were they right about?

What is Turmeric?

turmeric root
Turmeric is used as a versatile spice in Indian cuisine.

Turmeric is a flowering plant whose roots are used in cooking. When you hear about turmeric, you’re almost always hearing about the root form of the plant which is the part that is consumed. It is a crucial ingredient in Asian cuisine and is what is responsible for that orange color you see often see in curry. It is associated with a great degree of health benefits ranging from aiding with gastrointestinal issues to downright reducing inflammation in the body. Headaches, bronchitis, fever, cancers, you name it. Turmeric has made the rounds in studies for the seemingly endless biological shifts it can cause in analysis.

What is Curcumin?

Curcumin is a compound that is found in turmeric. Ordinarily, curcumin is only present in turmeric by about 2-5%. Curcumin is thought to be behind many of the health benefits of turmeric. Much like Turmeric, curcumin signals many interesting medicinal uses on a cellular level that can be analyzed over the coming years. One of the most potent effects it is thought to have is reducing inflammation in the body.

For those who don’t know, inflammation is widely considered to be a root cause and major contributor to an exceedingly large amount of illnesses and diseases. Acute inflammation occurs if you injure yourself and the body needs to heal up a specific injury. Chronic inflammation is a low-grade inflammation that is pervasive throughout the entire body. It does not have any particular symptoms but it shows up in blood through particular markers. This low level of inflammation is thought to trigger a threat response by the immune system, but when the white blood cells circulate to find it, they don’t. And so eventually they can potentially start attacking your own body. This is seen and proven to be possible in auto-immune disorders.

The Benefits of Curcumin

  1. Curcumin Has Potent Anti-Bacterial Properties. Curcumin has been shown to have promising and powerful antibacterial effects that deliver a natural way to support the healing of wounds and injuries.
  2. Type 2 Diabetes Reduction. Curcumin has been studied in regards to type 2 diabetes and has been found to reduce the levels of blood sugars in the body. Turmeric has this benefit as well, but curcumin is noticeably better at blood sugar reduction.
  3. Curcumin May Reduce Osteoporosis Risk. A study was done where rats were supplemented with curcumin and it was found that the supplemented rats had retained more bone mass whereas those who received lower amounts of curcuminoids did not preserve nearly as much if any at all bone mass.

Volt:03 The Best Curcumin Supplement on the Market

Our mission at Nutent Therapeutics was to set out to make the best curcumin supplement on the market. Many curcumin and turmeric extract supplements miss the mark by having low bioavailability. Volt:03 was engineered by a doctor and a pharmacist. We specially formulated our product to contain different ingredients such as cyclodextrin—a compound that allows for much better absorption of the curcumin in your body. If you’d like to start receiving the widely touted benefits of this powerful anti-inflammatory compound, you can visit our shop here. If you have any questions about curcumin, give us a call at (561)-570-1843!


Curcumin has been shown to have a wide variety of benefits to human health in a large array of different areas of the body. Unsurprisingly, curcumin has potent effects on lowering your risk of heart disease.

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart disease is not a specific illness, but rather a whole host of conditions that affect the function of the heart. Think of heart disease as an umbrella term that describes many different co-occurring conditions. Some of the most common diseases of the heart are as follows:

Coronary Artery Disease

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease. CAD is the result of when LDL—“the bad cholesterol”, builds up excessive plaque in the arteries of the heart. The beginnings of CAD do not give off any symptoms such as chest pain or fatigue/shortness of breath. It is commonly held that men experience chest pain as a symptom more than women. When the plaque ruptures, a blood clot is created which blocks an artery to your heart. Since the artery is blocked, oxygen is not making its way to your heart and so the heart slowly takes on damage until a myocardial infarction—a heart attack occurs.

Heart Failure

Heart failure is when the heart stops functioning as efficiently as it should. In the simplest terms, the heart is a pump which pumps blood to oxygenate your body. This is why the heart is the most vital organ in terms of keeping someone alive, without it, the cells are not able to be nourished and the body either functions suboptimally or not at all. When the heart is weak, it cannot supply the cells with enough oxygen or nutrients to keep the body strong. This causes weakness or shortness of breath and day to day chores become difficult as any physical exertion becomes too demanding. According to the American Heart Association, there is no cure thus far for heart failure. However, with medication and altering lifestyle habits to be positive, many people are able to lead full, capable lives.

Curcumin for Heart Disease

Studies have shown that it’s possible for curcumin for heart disease to help reduce or reverse the onset of cardiovascular disease. As we’ve briefly touched on, heart disease can have a multitude of factors that are contributing to the illness. Curcumin is known to improve the function of the endothelium—which is the lining of your blood vessels. The endothelium sustains the flexibility of the blood vessels so that they can properly dilate or constrict.

Besides that, curcumin notably reduces inflammation and the effects of oxidation which are contributors to heart disease. Inflammation is thought to be a major contributor to many diseases that plague modern society. It is essentially the bodies response to injury and the inflammation is a byproduct of trying to contain or heal the damage, much like how a fever is a response to your body trying to rid itself of infection. This study states that the group that was supplemented with curcumin had a 65% less chance of having a heart attack while in the hospital.

Volt 03: Highly Bioavailable Curcumin

Nutent Therapeutics is a nutraceutical company that is backed by science. Volt 03 is a pharmaceutical strength curcumin supplement that has been engineered by a doctor and a pharmacist to be most easily absorbed and utilized by the body, unlike traditional curcumin supplements which tend to have low absorption rates. Our formula contains a compound called cyclodextrin which greatly improves the rate of absorption in the body. If you would like to begin reaping the huge benefits that curcumin has on the body, you can visit our shop here. If you have any questions about Volt:03 feel free to give us a call at (561)-570-1843 or visit our contact page and drop us a line!

Curcumin Is Highly Beneficial To Your Health

heart balloons

Curcumin is a chemical which is the active component of turmeric and is also the primary curcuminoid of turmeric. it provides compounds that are pivotal to a myriad of functions in the body including but not limited to a whole host of brain functions, your nervous system, aiding with the supplemental treatment of specific cancer malignancies, gastrointestinal disorders, depression and the list goes on.

Neurotrophic Factors and Your Brain

Neurotrophic factors are an assortment of biomolecules that almost all small proteins or peptides. These proteins and peptides support the growth of neurons in the brain. Tyrosine kinase is the enzyme by which the NTF’s can confer their growth factors onto neurons.

There are a couple of different neurotrophic factors but the one that is relevant to curcumin is a brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). BDNF is a protein that is part of the neurotrophin family of growth factors. Its principal function is to act on particular neurons in your CNS and PNS (central nervous system, peripheral nervous system). BDNF encourages the growth of neurons that are developed or in development; they also help existing neurons survive and contribute directly to the differentiation of new neurons. Differentiation is the process by which neurons are converted from one type to another.

BDNF is incredibly vital towards the maintenance and improvement of long-term memory. Advancements in our understanding of how the brain works have led to the increased emphasis and dissemination of information regarding neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity—simply put, is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself and/or create new neural connections in response to circumstances in life.

This is incredibly important towards the understanding of BDNF because it “stands out for its high level of expression in the brain and its potent effects on synapses”. The study goes on to explain that the pronounced positive effects on synaptic plasticity are crucial for hippocampal long-term potentiation—which is just a fancy way to say BDNF is an important factor in facilitating long-term memory. Ultimately, the most promising of leads that studying BDNF provides scientists is that the deficiency of BDNF potentially contributes to a whole host of brain-related illnesses.

Curcumin and BDNF

curcumin powder

Guess what greatly stimulates and promotes the activity of BDNF? You guessed it, curcumin. It’s been established that BDNF has a tremendous impact on brain function and by extension of that, the quantity of BDNF impacting the development of brain-related illnesses and ailments. This published study details how rats were put on a CUS protocol (chronic unpredictable stress) to induce depression in the rats. It was then demonstrated that the effects of curcumin had impacted the CUS induced behaviors and markers in a positive way. CUS had caused a reduction in BDNF levels in the hippocampus. The supplementation of curcumin in the rats had effectively reversed much of these negative markers such as impaired learning and memory function as well as depression.

Volt 03: Highest Bioavailable Curcumin

Whether you’re looking seeking to heal inflammation, improve brain function, or get arthritis relief. Volt 03 can aid you in all of those things and more. Unlike other curcumin supplements, you need only take Volt 03 once a day. Developed by a medical doctor and pharmacist, our high-quality curcumin is made with only the purest pharmaceutical-grade ingredients. Visit our contact page here or give us a call at 561-570-1843 and we can answer any questions you may have about this potent product.


The health benefits of curcumin continue to add up; curcumin – the active ingredient found in turmeric – has a wide range of health benefits that stem from its anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. Curcumin is being touted as the next major breakthrough in supplement science: this medicine has proven efficacy in treating cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and many other diseases caused by chronic inflammation. In fact, the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin may even match pharmaceutical-strength NSAIDs in terms of inflammation treatment. Since diabetes is caused by chronic inflammation of the body (among other things), it has been found that curcumin is effective in type 2 diabetes treatment when combined with other factors. Treating inflammation should be a top priority for anyone that is pre-diabetic or facing a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Insulin resistance – the first step in developing a pre-diabetic condition – is caused by chronic inflammation that stems from macrophages, which are immune cells in the body.

Curcumin for Type 2 Diabetes

While researchers are quick to point out that inflammation is not the only cause of type 2 diabetes, inflammation has been found to be somewhat involved in the development of the disease. Curcumin can be an effective treatment for pre-diabetics and type 2 diabetes patients when combined with other effective treatments (such as medication, exercise, and proper nutrition) due to its potential effects on high blood sugar and its ability to improve insulin sensitivity.

Taking a curcumin supplement may help lower the amount of sugar in the blood, which can make type 2 diabetes treatment more manageable. In fact, a study found that people who took curcumin for 9 months or longer experienced lesser rates of type 2 diabetes diagnoses than the placebo group. The researchers of this study noted that curcumin supplementation improved the function of beta cells (the cells that help make insulin).

curcumin capsules

Curcumin and Insulin Resistance

A study published in the International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism reviewed documented studies from 1998-2013 regarding curcumin’s influence on elevated blood sugar (hyperglycemia) caused by insulin resistance, which is a hallmark of prediabetes or a type 2 diabetes diagnosis. The study found that curcumin has potent anti-hyperglycemic effects on the human body by improving beta cell functioning, fatty acid oxidation and utilization, and an ability to lower glucose in the blood. A significant reduction in liver glucose and liver glycogen production was also found with curcumin supplementation.

A study from a 2012 Diabetes Care (American Diabetic Association’s Journal) report stated that the supplementation of 250mg of curcumin daily for nine months was 100% effective in preventing the development of type 2 diabetes in prediabetic patients. The group that was administered the curcumin did not develop type 2 diabetes, whereas the placebo group developed type 2 diabetes at a rate of 16.4%. This is a statistically-significant number that proves the efficacy of curcumin in the treatment of diseases that are caused by long-term inflammation.

Curcumin – compared to drugs like metformin recombinant insulin, two drugs that may actually increase rates of morbidity – is a safe and highly-effective treatment for prediabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Curcumin and Diabetic Neuropathy

Chronically elevated levels of blood sugar – which is something that many diabetics experience – can lead to severe damage, which is known by medical professionals as neuropathy. There are two main types of neuropathy: autonomic and peripheral. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy can lead to slowed cognitive functioning, tingling, pain, and a loss of sensation in the extremities, and eye problems (uveitis and cataracts). Autonomic neuropathy refers to bodily functions which you have no control over, such as digestion.

curcumin symbol name

Curcumin has been shown to prevent and manage the symptoms of these two types of neuropathy.

Buy Bioavailable Curcumin Online

If you have been recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or are prediabetic, we recommend the following options before beginning a regimen of stronger pharmaceutical medications (always talk to your doctor first, however):

  • Exercise. 5 30-minute sessions of anaerobic or aerobic exercise every week. Exercise has been shown to reduce levels of inflammation and high levels of blood sugar in the body.
  • Eat right. This means ditching the soda, sugar, and refined foods, and sticking to healthier options such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, legumes, and nuts.
  • Supplement with curcumin. Curcumin has proven to be a major player in the fight against prediabetes and type 2 diabetes through its unique application in insulin resistance and anti-inflammation. Curcumin is effective in type 2 diabetes treatment.

Click here to visit our page for VOLT 03, the strongest and most bio-available version of curcumin on the market. VOLT 03 provides improved cognition, powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, a reduction in levels of blood sugar, relief from arthritis, and lowers your risk of heart disease and diabetes.


Pain can be a natural part of the aging process, but with the right diet and supplementation, those aches and pains many people start to experience later in life can be mitigated. New research has shown the positive anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties of curcumin, which is the active ingredient found in the traditional spice turmeric. Pain relief with Curcumin is possible. By extracting this ingredient, our medication provides many more times the amount of curcumin found in the turmeric root.

Don’t attribute pain as part of the natural aging process until you are well into your 70’s. You deserve to live a life free from aches and pains, and our pharmaceutical grade curcumin can help you in this endeavor. Daily life can be demanding and can put strain on your body. This stress can lead to a build-up of the stress hormone cortisol, which can contribute to inflammatory effects in the body. Occasional pick-up games of basketball, work, and household chores need not be burdened by pain related to inflammation. Curcumin is the compound responsible for these life-changing benefits and has been used in traditional Indian cuisine for thousands of years.

The Secret of Curcumin

Traditional Curcumin supplements lack proper absorption, metabolism and bio-distribution in the body. Our curcumin has been developed with cyclodextrin to improve the delivery of this supplement to the human body. Anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties have been attained through higher cellular uptake due to cyclodextrin.

various spices including turmeric

Curcumin has been shown in various studies to be effective in treating several diseases including: Alzheimer’s, Cancer, and man other cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Neurology, Oncology and inflammation. There are currently over 100 ongoing curcumin trials. In phase II studies at MD Anderson, curcumin, at doses of 8 grams a day was found to be effective in treating pancreatic cancer. The large 8g/day dose was required due to the poor solubility and bioavailability of curcumin. However, patients have trouble taking such high doses for long periods of time. While the study gave an excellent proof of concept, curcumin’s use as a therapeutic is inhibited by its poor solubility and bioavailability.

VOLT03: The Best Curcumin Supplement on the Market

We have head-to-head data to prove how well our supplement works. Comparisons versus a prescription anti-inflammatory product and standardized curcumin have shown that VOLT03 out-performs these two products in multiple arenas. Our product has gone through multiple tests, including quality control, quality assurance, and good manufacturing processes. Even distribution is guaranteed. To experience pain relief with curcumin, visit our shop! Your body will thank you.


There is a growing body of research that shows the numerous medical benefits of curcumin. Curcumin has been used to treat a number of medical conditions for many years and has demonstrated its efficacy as an anti-inflammatory agent that provides a number of benefits. Curcumin has been shown effective in the treatment of various conditions such as skin, lung, breast, colon, and stomach cancers, inflammatory bowel disease, Alzheimer’s, and rheumatoid arthritis. Natural plant-based remedies have always been a staple in medical treatments worldwide and continue to be used due to their proven ability to improve chronic conditions. It has been shown that over 1 out of 3 Americans use some sort of natural product or supplement to improve their health.

Curcumin for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Curcumin has always been known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Until the advent of DMARDs in the 1990s, RA was considered a debilitating and life-altering disease. Due to the safety of curcumin in comparison to pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories, it has proven to be a worthwhile treatment in the fight against RA. The effects of curcumin are comparable to many NSAIDs on the market due to its anti-rheumatic effect.

Curcumin for Cardiovascular disease

Widely prevalent in Western society, atherosclerosis is responsible for many health complications for a vast number of people. The use of curcumin has been shown to lower lipid profiles and LDL serum levels. One study found that 500mg of curcumin increased the levels of good cholesterol while decreasing bad cholesterol in the blood.

yellow metal curcumin

Curcumin for Neurodegenerative Disorders

Curcumin has been shown to play a role in the prevention of pathogenesis for some types of psychiatric conditions. Curcumin reduces the plaque burden in the brain, which can slow the progression of early Alzheimer’s disease. A promising study is currently examining the efficacy of curcumin as it relates to the treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia.

Curcumin for Cancer Treatment

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of curcumin research is the promising treatment towards specific malignancies. Either by its own properties or by augmenting existing cancer treatments, curcumin has been shown in animal and human studies for the treatment of pancreatic, breast, prostate, skin, lung, and colon cancer.

Curcumin for Gastrointestinal Disorders

Curcumin has been shown to demonstrate therapeutic effects in patients suffering from IBD (inflammatory bowel disease). Diseases like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are caused by chronic inflammation. Curcumin has demonstrated vast anti-inflammatory properties, and since many diseases are caused by chronic diseases in the body, supplementation of this compound has proven to be an effective treatment in this regard. Less abdominal cramping, less frequent bowel movements, less cramping , and less pain have all been side effects of curcumin supplementation.


Turmeric has made waves in the supplement industry for the past few years; many studies show that curcumin, and the health benefits of turmeric has a number of beneficial effects on the body. Curcumin has been touted as a number of things: it can aid in the treatment of cancer, lower the risk of heart disease, boost brain-derived neurotrophic factor, provide relief for patients with arthritis, and may help in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

1. Curcuminoids – The Benefits Of

Turmeric contains curcuminoids, the most heavily researched curcuminoid being curcumin. Curcumin can act as a strong antioxidant and possesses significant anti-inflammatory effects. Used as a staple in Indian cuisine for thousands of years, this spice has been used as a medicinal herb to combat many different types of ailments. However, it is often difficult to reach high levels of curcumin in the body with turmeric alone; this is why we developed a highly bio-available extract of curcumin to reap the health benefits of turmeric while not eating it for every meal.

If you decide to cook with turmeric, try cooking it with a fatty meal! Curcumin is fat soluble, so it may pay to leave the skin on the chicken.

turmeric root
Turmeric is used as a versatile spice in Indian cuisine.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Curcumin

Not all inflammation is bad for the body. Without inflammation, your body wouldn’t be able to fight bacteria and repair muscles after a workout. Acute inflammation is necessary for the growth and maintenance of the human body; however, long-term inflammation caused by environmental stressors and an unhealthy lifestyle can result in chronic disease and a lowered quality of life.

Curcumin helps fight chronic inflammation, inflammation that can cause metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and heart disease. It is so powerful that it often matches the strength of prescription anti-inflammatory drugs.

3. Curcumin Can Help Fight Depression

Another health benefit of turmeric has been widely studied. According to a small study, patients that took curcumin for depression had comparable results when compared to the group that took Prozac. The most favorable results occurred in patients who took the curcumin and Prozac, and not just the Prozac alone. If you are suffering from severe depression, always consult a doctor before you begin a new treatment. When used with prescription drugs and proper therapy, Curcumin can help alleviate the symptoms of chronic depression.

Curcumin can also help boost levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). If a brain lacks BDNF, it can result in a shrinkage of the hippocampus, which is the part of the brain responsible for memory and learning. There is also some proof that this supplement can boost serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

Volt 03: A Pharmaceutical-Strength Curcumin Supplement

Curcumin supplement
Our Curcumin is the most bio-available supplement on the market.

At Nutent Therapeutics, we offer the strongest and most bio-available Curcumin on the market. Traditional curcumin supplements are often lacking in bio-availability; our formula contains a compound called cyclodextrin, which substantially improves the absorption rate in the body.

In a clinical trial, we compared our formula with standardized unformulated curcumin: our formula showed a statistically significant increase in total levels of curcumin in the body. If you want to feel the difference of health benefits from turmeric, visit our Volt 03 shop page. If you’d like any additional information on our company or the health benefits of Volt 03, give us a call at (561)-570-1764.


If you have been feeling in a low mood lately, then you’ve probably been searching for ways to lift your spirits. Consider this: whatever is ailing you, the powerful antioxidant known as curcumin could be your answer. Curcumin is the most active ingredient in turmeric, a culinary spice that’s well-known for giving curry its yellow color.  Although it has long been common in India as both a food ingredient and a natural remedy, its renown in the West is more recent.

The interest in curcumin is growing substantially. In the last three decades, there have been over three thousand publications involving curcumin. Of particular interest is finding out if curcumin can have significant positive effects on the mind, such as for treating conditions like depression, or improving cognitive functions like memory retention and concentration.

Curcumin as a Potential Treatment for Depression

Curcumin has shown promise in treating depression. In a number of studies where groups of patients were treated with curcumin versus a placebo, curcumin has been observed to provide noticeably more relief than the placebo. Although more studies are needed in the future, the results so far have left many people optimistic.

In a 2014 study conducted by the Department of Pharmacology at the Government Medical College in India, it was even found that curcumin can achieve similar results to a pharmaceutical antidepressant. This study also noted that “curcumin was well tolerated by all patients”. Curcumin is sought-after as a natural remedy and is widely believed to carry no major side effects, unlike many medicines.

Benefits to Cognitive Function

Research has also been done on how curcumin may improve cognitive function. Curcumin has several positive effects on the brain, such as increasing blood flow and helping to stimulate the production of new brain cells. These can lead to improved memory and attention span.

One study, published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, administered cognitive tests to a group of adults, some of whom were given curcumin on a regular basis, and others a placebo. The study found that participants who took curcumin performed better on the memory tests, and some even experienced some improvements to their mood.

This can be great if you’re having problems at school or work. Trouble focusing or retaining memories are common problems that afflict numerous people, with solutions always being looked for. Try curcumin and see if it helps you form better study habits. It will surely make you happy if you can excel at school or work, thanks to a healthier mind.

Adding Curcumin to your Diet

So how can you add curcumin into your life? One option is to eat foods that include turmeric as an ingredient. Many recipes have turmeric to spice up meats, soups, and other dishes. If turmeric’s flavor doesn’t suit you, you can still reap the benefits of curcumin! Volt03, a pharmaceutical grade curcumin dietary supplement, actually provides over 80 mg of curcumin in each capsule – delivering all the benefits in a single dose.  Talk about a mood enhancer!



What Benefits Can Pharmaceutical Grade Curcumin Provide?

Turmeric is a well-known culinary spice, but it also has profound medicinal properties that are just now being realized and utilized in the Western world. In contrast, people in India have been using turmeric for centuries to help treat laryngitis, bronchitis and diabetes. Turmeric, which is derived from the plant Curcuma Longa, includes the active ingredient, curcumin. Curcumin accounts for approximately two to six percent of the spice and has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Curcumin (Derived from Turmeric) as an Anti-Inflammatory

curcumin pain relief
Curcumin provides strong natural pain relief.

Anti-inflammatory products and medications are important in the Western world because chronic inflammation plays a role in almost every major Western disease, including:

  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Muscle Wasting

Acute inflammation can be a normal physiological process (especially if you exercise) and can be a natural part of living a healthy life and repairing the bodily damage. However, inflammation can become a major problem if it becomes chronic and untreated.

Curcumin fights this problem by targeting multiple areas of the inflammation process. Curcumin blocks NF-kB, a molecule that is responsible for the inflammation of many cells and subsequently, plays a role in many chronic diseases.

4 Reasons Athletes Should use Curcumin to Improve Performance

Curcumin has dramatically increased in popularity during the past few years. Curcumin is a cucuminoid found in turmeric and has recently been a big player in the supplement industry. Due to the versatility and effectiveness of the supplement, curcumin has seen a substantial rise in popularity and sales.

Recognized for its anti-inflammatory and neuro-protective benefits, curcumin has been shown to have numerous other benefits.

1. Curcumin DOES help improve muscle recovery

A study published in the FASEB Journal has suggested that curcumin can play a role in supporting athletic health and muscle recovery. The study has promising results:

“[curcumin supplementation] demonstrates [that] curcuminoids reduce muscle damage and improve muscle soreness in healthy young subjects following a bout of muscle-damaging exercise. Faster recovery allows for consistent training at competition intensity and might lead to enhanced adaptation rate and performance.”

2. Improved Glycogen content and Improved exercise output

Skeletal muscle damage and tissue swelling are associated with almost all types of high-intensity exercise. Recognizing the need for curcumin from both competitive and professional level athletes, the antioxidant curcumin is able to counteract the two leading causes of muscle damage: oxidative stress and inflammation. Curcumin interacts with multiple inflammatory pathways and can help athletes perform at their best by increasing their recovery time. The researchers argued that if the results of the study supported their hypothesis, then curcumin might prove to be a valuable asset for athletes looking to support muscle recovery and accelerate recovery times.

powerful supplement curcumin
Powdered Turmeric used for cooking.

Curcumin is a well-known phyto-compound and food component found in turmeric. Another study found that curcumin supplementation significantly increased muscular glycogen content and improved exercise performance. From the study:

“Here we found that [curcumin] supplementation had significant benefits for physiological indicators after exercise and improved exercise performance, including grip strength and endurance, by increasing muscle glycogen content. In addition, it also showed benefit effects on body composition and biochemistry on lipid profiles, liver, and rental parameters. The toxicity of curcumin was elucidated as safety in relevant observations. Therefore, curcumin could help ameliorate exercise-induced fatigue and contribute to health promotion safely.”

What does this mean? It means that curcumin has proven positive benefits on sports performance by reducing muscular fatigue and increasing performance. Using multiple tests such as forearm grip strength tests, swimming exercise tests and measured fatigue-related indicators, curcumin shows a surprising amount of promise in sports application.

3. Curcumin is shown to Boost Brain Function

There is an increasing body of research that has put the benefits of curcumin under heavy scrutiny. Curcumin only makes up about 3-5% of turmeric, but when extracted and made bio-available, curcumin has many more benefits than just the food product. Yet another pre-clinical study suggests that curcumin’s anti-inflammatory action might help prevent or treat various chronic diseases. This compound shows promise because many of the world’s worst diseases are exacerbated by chronic inflammation, something that curcumin can help treat. In addition to this, curcumin is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant shown to improve brain function. It has also been shown to lower the risk of heart disease, help prevent cancer, and possibly aid in cancer treatment. Curcumin can also provide relief for patients with arthritis and possibly help in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

4. Curcumin Reduces Inflammation

Pain can be a natural part of the aging process, but with the right diet and supplementation, those aches and pains many people start to experience later in life can be mitigated. New research has shown the positive anti-inflammatory and anti-pain properties of curcumin, which is the active ingredient found in the traditional spice turmeric. By extracting this ingredient, our medication provides many more times the amount of curcumin found in the turmeric root.

Don’t attribute pain as part of the natural aging process until you are well into your 70’s. You deserve to live a life free from aches and pains, and our pharmaceutical grade curcumin can help you in this endeavor. Daily life can be demanding and can put strain on your body. This stress can lead to a build-up of the stress hormone cortisol, which can contribute to inflammatory effects in the body. Occasional pick-up games of basketball, work, and household chores need not be burdened by pain related to inflammation. Curcumin is the compound responsible for these life-changing benefits and has been used in traditional Indian cuisine for thousands of years.

The Secret of Curcumin

Traditional Curcumin supplements lack proper absorption, metabolism and bio-distribution in the body. Our curcumin has been developed with cyclodextrin to improve the delivery of this supplement to the human body. Anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties have been attained through higher cellular uptake due to cyclodextrin.

various spices including turmeric

Curcumin has been shown in various studies to be effective in treating several diseases including: Alzheimer’s, Cancer, Cardiovascular, Central Nervous System, Neurology, Oncology and inflammation. There are currently over 100 ongoing curcumin trials. In phase II studies at MD Anderson, curcumin, at doses of 8 grams a day was found to be effective in treating pancreatic cancer. The large 8g/day dose was required due to the poor solubility and bioavailability of curcumin. However, patients have trouble taking such high doses for long periods of time. While the study gave an excellent proof of concept, curcumin’s use as a therapeutic is inhibited by its poor solubility and bioavailability.

Best Curcumin Supplement To Improve Athletic Performance

Cooking with spices like turmeric can be a great idea! Adding plant-based seasonings can flavor food without excess salt, sugar or fat. However, it is next to impossible to achieve therapeutic effects from regular powdered turmeric, as only 3-5% of turmeric is curcumin. You need a pharmaceutical grade curcumin extract that can provide all the related anti-inflammatory and athletic benefits that curcumin is known for.

Most curcumin products that are currently marketed do not dissolve well in water or in the stomach, leading to poor absorption and activity. VOLT03 is a highly bio-available form of curcumin. It dissolves completely in water and reaches the bloodstream in high concentration (39 times more than common curcumin). It is, therefore, more potent.

volt 03 curcumin

VOLT03 exhibits statistically significant anti-inflammatory properties, as compared with standard curcumin and a powerful prescription anti-inflammatory product.

(indomethacin). VOLT03 also possesses pharmaceutical-grade quality for both product composition and manufacturing processes. Herbal dietary supplements are often mislabeled or contain adulterated content, while VOLT03 is highly purified and regulated.

VOLT03 is manufactured according to the Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) regulations enforced by the FDA and has a “clean label,” meaning that the only ingredients in its formulation are curcumin and cyclodextrin. Check out our shop page to see a study comparing VOLT03 to regular curcumin supplementation and a placebo. We think the results speak for themselves. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.


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